About Us

Necessity is the mother of invention. The saying holds true for computers also, because computers were invented because of man’s search for fast and accurate calculating devices. The first mechanical adding machine was invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642. Later in the year 1671, Baron  Gottfried Wilhelm  von Leibniz of Germany invented  the first calculator for multiplication. Keyboard machines originated  in the United Sates around 1880 and are extensively used even today.

Charles Babbage, a nineteenth century Professor at Cambridge University, is considered the father of modern digital computer. During his period , mathematical and statistical  tables were prepared by a group of clerks.

The word “ Computer”  comes from the word “compute”, which means to calculate. Hence, a computer is normally considered to be a calculating device, which can perform arithmetic  operations at enormous speed.

Infact, the original objective for inventing the computer was to create a fast calculating machine. However, more that 80 % of the work done by computers today is of non mathematical or non –numerical nature. Hence to define a computer merely as a calculating device is t ignore over 80% of its functions.

More accurately , a computer may be defined as a device , which operates upon data. Data can be anything  like bio-data of various applicants when the computer is used for recruiting personnel, or the marks obtained by the various students in various subjects when the computer is used to prepare results, or the details (name, age, sex etc.) of various passengers when the computer is employed for marking airline or railway reservation , or numbers of different types in case of use of computers for solving scientific research problems, etc.  Hence , data comes in various shapes and sizes , depending upon the types of computer application. A computer can store , process, and retrieve data as and when desired. The fact that computers process data is so fundamental that many people have started calling it a data processor.

The name data processor is note inclusive because modern computers not only compute  in the usual sense , but also perform other functions with the data, which flow to and from them. For example, data processors may gather data from various incoming sources, merge (process of mixing or putting together) them all , sort ( process of arranging in some sequence-ascending or descending) them in  the desired order, and finally  print then in the desired format . None of these operations involve the arithmetic  operations normally associated with the computing device, but the term computer is often applied  anyway.

The activity  of processing data using a computer  is called data processing, Data processing consist of three sub-activities. Capturing  the input data, manipulating the data, and managing the output results. As used in data processing , information is data arranged in an order and form, which is useful to the people  who receive it.

Hence , data is the raw material used as input  to data processing, and information is the processed data obtained as the output of data processing.

Training programme to Enhance Already Existing Occupational Skills (Continuing Computer Education Program-C C E P). As the prescribed syllabus , guidelines, conditions  Rule and regulation of the Institute courses are self employment and job oriented courses. Cent Percent Self Financed Self Employment and vocational Pattern Type. Computer & IT Skill Enhancement Institute. Institute of Information Technology is duly registered by the Government.


  • Skill Development is an incredibly flexible learning platform. Access can be purchased by individuals looking to improve their skills, or by organizations as schools, colleges or employers who want to raise standards.
  • Support learners of all ages to improve their English Skills .
  • Support a range of English Programmes including IELTS .
  • Highlights skill gaps, then develops knowledge and confidence.
  • Also offers other skills development solutions.
  • computer training programmes have been designed under the supervision of eminent professionals and computer technologists.
  • Beekay infotech has a vast variety of programmes in training for various candidates according to their academic qualification.

We at Beekay Infotech Institute committed to provide quality training of international standards through experts in the latest Technology to render the best and timely With Dedicated staff possessing strong human values  to take you to next world by teaching binary to developing higher end software’s.


We shall provide better coaching to inculcate leadership Skills in the young generation so that they carry our Nature to new horizons, which will help them to develop into well rounded personalities so that they are useful Citizens of the country tomorrow.